Useful tips to increase erection

What is a fulfilling and healthy sexual relationship? In a long and strong erection and powerful orgasm in both sexual partners. But men often face such embarrassing situations when an erection is not strong enough to make an entrance, or it weakens sharply during sex. All of this can be complicated by uncontrolled or premature ejaculation. In such a situation, both partners do not receive adequate satisfaction, which significantly affects the intimate life of the couple. How to increase an erection so as not to get into trouble?

intimacy after potency increase

Causes of problems

Before embarking on an increase in sexual abilities, the cause that caused its insufficiency should be treated, since how to eliminate the problem completely depends on the etiology of a weak and short-lived erection.

  • In cases where weak erectile function is due to overwork, you need to change the daily regimen, giving more time for sleep and rest.
  • If the causes of an insufficient erectile state are due to psycho-emotional disorders, depression or stress, then the treatment will consist of psychological consultations with a specialist and taking sedative drugs. Men with such problems are advised to devote more time to rest and avoid psycho-emotional stress.
  • Often the cause of low potency is obesity caused by inactivity, poor diet. Therefore, to eliminate erectile dysfunction, physical exercises for weight loss and diet food are recommended.
  • Sedentary work often contributes to the formation of blood stasis in the reproductive system and organs, which manifests itself in the short duration and lethargy of erections. Recording the situation will help sports, fitness, running in the morning.
  • An unbalanced diet can also cause erectile dysfunction, so you should provide a daily diet with foods like lean meat, seafood, sour cream, nuts, legumes, honey, herbs and spices.
  • Often problems with erectile function develop against the background of sexual abstinence. Irregular sex weakens erections - it's a proven fact. In this case, regular morning sex is recommended, which helps restore erectile function. The benefits of morning sex for the stronger sex are proven, since during these hours the maximum concentration of testosterone, the erection hormone, is observed.
  • Alcohol abuse also negatively affects a man's sexual performance, so it is recommended to keep the use of such drinks to a minimum.
  • Often low potency is caused by physical causes due to various pathological conditions in the body. Even high blood pressure can cause a disorder, or the medications used to treat it will. Diabetes, prostatitis and other male pathologies can also contribute to the weakening of an erection. In these cases, in order to identify the etiology and diagnose the underlying disease, a man is advised not to hesitate to consult a urologist.

General recommendations

There are several options for increasing potency in men, that is, to help restore erectile function. About the morning, as well as regular sex and physical activity, this has already been clarified, although these are far from the only recommendations. A contrast shower is very useful for health and erection. If you follow this procedure regularly, the vascular circulation will improve. It is useful to water the pelvic region with a cold, then hot shower spray. After the procedure, it is recommended to rub well with a terry towel, which will provide additional blood flow to the penis.

Tips! In order not to risk becoming the owner of a weak erection, the male half is recommended to forget about such bad habits as smoking or drinking alcohol.

In case of problems with potency, a man is recommended to walk barefoot more. The main thing is the foot, on which there are many active points responsible for attraction and excitement. By walking barefoot, these points are naturally stimulated and the erection intensifies. Shortly before intimacy, you can massage the feet, focusing on these points, which leads the body to excitement and the penis to readiness for battle.

Medical methods

Modern pharmaceuticals offer many drugs that have a positive effect on potency. But one must take into account their contraindications due to diseases of the blood, blood vessels, gastroenterological inflammation, leukemia and hemophilia.

Important! If there is a suspicion of the development of a disease of the genital area or pelvic organs, you should consult a specialist and begin treatment of the pathology that has arisen.

Among the leaders of such drugs for many years there are drugs based on sildenafil. These blue pills are probably familiar to all men. The drugs have an effect on the vessels of the penis, widening the arterial openings. Due to the action of sildenafil, the blood flow in the genitals increases and the muscles of the perineum relax better, that is, the drug is able to control the blood flow of the penis. The action helps to deal with the organic causes that cause an insufficient erection.

The maximum benefit from drugs that improve potency will be obtained only with the right lifestyle, healthy habits, positive mood and physical activity.

The above remedies are considered to be the safest, although they may cause side effects such as dizziness, migraines, impaired visual acuity, diarrhea, impaired coordination, etc. But these drugs are only stimulating, not exciting, which is to be remembered.